Monday, August 30, 2010

Your "More" Begins with Less

Well my friends! Here we are fresh out of graduation, we have "no education" and we are jobless. So are we gonna move back in with mommy and daddy for a few months until we figure out our next move? Maybe so, but then again, maybe not. Let's not forget all we have learned on our journey. We are forgetting everything "THEY" told us! What do they know anyway, right? I have really enjoyed our journey together. It has been a fun, invigorating Oddesy into the world of "more."  Now if you are one of those who believes everything "THEY" tell you then you should probably quit reading here. The rest of us uneducated, Immature (I'm mature) people can read on and get the "more" out of life that has been waiting for you since the day you were born!!

Lets take a little glimpse at the process of "more", shall we? More always begins with "Less". Less likely, less educated, less influential, less skilled. Think about it! Think of "less" people that made "more", Rosa Parks, The Little Rock Nine, Martin Luther King Jr., Martin Luther, Bill Gates, Judge Greg Mathis, Da Vinci, President Barak Obama, Our founding Fathers, many many many more. They started as underdogs. People said they wouldn't achieve their goals. Edgar Albert Guest says " He started to sing as he tackled the thing that couldn't be done and he DID IT."

These and other similar individuals made it despite the odds! Not only famous people but what about those single moms who attain their college degree and provide better for their families, or that ex convict who turns his life around after the world writes him off, or that handicapped person who succeeds and excels regardless of their handicap, or that special needs person who learns to live and succeed on their own, that drug or alcohol addict who kicks the habit and helps others! They were "less" who became "More"!!! You can do that too!!

You have to have the determination that won't be denied!! You have to want it more than anything! Not only that, you have to go after it. Don't procrastinate and sit and just have a "pipe dream". Pursue it daily, just like those individuals did. 

You must also have a solid plan!! Failure to plan is planning for failure! Get a solid plan and move towards it! Start today. When you finish reading this blog. Whip out your legal pad, your PC, your Mac, your iPad, etc... and start making plans? Whats your first step? How many calls are you gonna make, websites you gonna check out, books you gonna check out of the library? Get your statistics and your plans. Forget what the naysayers say. Only listen to people who see what you see!! In the next edition we will discuss this process more. See you soon!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Graduation With NO Education!

Good Day fellow Graduates!! Today is a celebration of your "Uneducation"! A festival of your "immaturity" (I'm Maturity). Its a jubilee of independent thought and the exploration of a vast expanse of opportunity.

Speaking of opportunity, what do you imagine? Not, what do you think? What do you IMAGINE? There is a difference. Though they are both rooted in the mind and the mind is the source of both, thinking (for the most part) involves rules. Thinking, especially in the box, is the manner in which one organizes thoughts and plays them out in ones mind according to their exposure to a limited amount of things or experiences. It would be like having a computer that has an operating system but no programs other than "Solitare" and "Word Pad" on it. Though the computer, has immense possibility, no matter how many gigabytes or RAM it has or how much hard drive space you have, if your computer has only been exposed to "Solitare" or "Word Pad" and "Free Cell", then that's the level it will perform up to. And while we're there, if all you do is just recreational stuff with your literal computer, you will never experience the "More" in your life. Use its full potential! Search out some things that can benefit you in the future!!

Imagination is different. Imagination is mental creativity beyond imposed rules. Imagination has no fear. Imagination runs freely. Imagination seeks the highest peak only to use it as a springboard to another world. This is where we want to find ourselves! In the realm of imagination (maybe Willie Wonka will meet us there).
Scientific visionary and genius Albert Einstein credited his creativity and his imagination for the great things he discovered in our universe and not his intelligence. When he was a boy, he imagined himself riding next to a beam of light, the rest is history. Where do you imagine yourself? Do you know how to imagine yourself? What beam of light are you riding next to? What do you think is so crazy that you don't even want to tell you friends? What can you see?

Now, thinking is not the enemy of imagination. They have a love hate relationship but they do help one another. In our next edition of "The Quick and Dirty" we will show how they  relate and why they need each other.

So, go celebrate your graduation and do something for yourself today!! Its the beginning of a new era in your life. Stay tuned, we'll talk soon!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

You're Childish and Immature!!!

Hello my friends!! Once again I'm back at you with another exciting enthralling and challenging edition of The Quick and Dirty. We are going for the "more" in our lives. Now, when I say "more" I'm not necessarily talking about money. Money is only ONE manifestation of "more" (and a good one at that). This is not a get rich quick blog but the things contained in this blog can give you the confidence and awareness to know YOU CAN DO IT, and open you mind to HOW YOU CAN DO IT.

Well, how do we do it? Any ideas? Ok, here goes. You have to become immature and act like a kid. That simple. Ok, see you next time!!!
OH, my bad!! I didn't explain how or why.
It's all pretty simple. Think of all of the aspects that kids have. Jesus even said that you have to enter the kingdom as a little child. Remember the verse in Isaiah that said "and a little child shall lead them?" Why?
Well, children believe they can do anything. They don't limit themselves. Its adults that tell them "It's make believe", "You'll get hurt", "Play it safe". Songstress Anita Baker's mom told her not to give up her typing job to be a professional singer. What if she would have listened? There are countless other examples of people not listening to the people who told them to "play it safe".

 Children have that belief in themselves. You have to be TAUGHT how to think in limits! Adults teach limits. Education limits, minimum grade requirements, recess times, speed limits, grade limits, city limits, legal limits, credit card limits, finance and loan limits, limits on your daytime minutes on you phone plan, limits on your data plan, limits on how many songs you can download, how much money you can take out of the ATM in a day, limits on how much you can spend on your debit card in a day. You are taught limits from the time you are born. That's why so many people have such a hard time going against the grain and getting "more" out of life. They think in limits.
Forget everything! Uneducate yourself in "limitology". Become immature. Immature is really "I'M MATURE". Act like a child!! Children aren't self conscious about how they look, dress, act who they are seen with or play with. Adults teach self consciousness by what we instill in kids. Get over yourself. Forget what people think and say!! They are just another limit who ain't doing NOTHIN' for you!

Besides, What is MATURE anyway? Who decides what "mature" is? Who is the standard setter on what is mature or not? The only idea of mature you have is what some "adults" TOLD you mature was or wasn't. Think about it, you don't even know where THEY got the information from!! You just believed them. All you do and believe is because of what you are TAUGHT and TOLD. Your morals, ethics, ideas, religion etc.... All have been taught to you by someone else. All of the ideas you have learned from other places have kept you in the dark about who you REALLY are and WHAT you can become.

In our next edition we will have a graduation ceremony for your UNEDUCATION and show you how to be "IMMATURE" or "I'M MATURE"! See you soon!!

Stay tuned

Friday, June 4, 2010

Don't be SCURRED!!!

Let me ask you something. Why do you think doing the same thing everyday will get you somewhere? Why do you think that somewhere your ship will come in and things will change and all of a sudden you will be rich or own a business or be famous etc...?
Sorry to burst your bubble but guess what, IT AIN'T HAPPENIN!! Hang it up! Life is pretty much what its gonna be for you.You may add a wife/husband and some kids to the equation, and that ain't necessarily anything to brag about, but pretty much thats gonna be it.
Now, let me issue my disclaimer. If you are happy with your life then this edition of  "The Quick and Dirty" isn't about you. Some of you don't desire to be rich or famous and thats fine. However if you want "more" out of life. More being; a deeper sense of purpose, a new perspective, starting something new and meaningful, going to the next level, making more of yourself, reaching that goal, imaging a new YOU, being more, then keep reading. As soon as you get over the initial sting, it will be grand!!!
It is quite natural for humans to seek adventure. We are born with that desire. Children are normally without fear.  They love adventure, they are daring, and courageous. They believe they can do anything they see others (on TV or elsewhere) doing. They imagine themselves flying, being super heroes, the president, etc.... without the slightest bit of self consciousness. Well if we are born with that sense of adventure, then why don't we have it as adults?

 I will tell you. The reason is because we learn a lifestyle of FEAR from adults. Now, I'm not against exercising caution and being safe. That is very necessary and we should. Nonetheless, we learn how to be fearful from our teachers, parents, and others. In their attempts to show us how to be cautious, and careful, they, many times, also sap our sense of daring and adventure and tell us to take a safe path. We are placed into "the box" and never truly learn how to get out of it.
How do we get out of that box? How do we recapture our sense of adventure and fearlessness? How do we learn to dream and imagine again? How do we have greater expectations out of life? How do we do bigger and better things? How do we become that "more" without settling for less?
Stay tuned, and we will discuss how to become that "more" you haven't yet dreamed of becoming.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why Do You Attract the Same Person II?

Have no fear, I'm back for the next phase of the question; Why do I attract the SAME person?  Now that we have identified the problem we can get a solution, but, its a little deeper than that. We don't want to just remove "Symptoms", we want to address the SOURCE of the problem. The source of the problem is you! Your soul (mind) is like a magnet. It is going to attract things, people, opportunities, careers, situations, scenarios, that are like it. It sends vibrations, if you will, throughout the universe and everything in that wavelength responds to it. We have have to change that vibration or wavelength or type of magnet.
I will give you the quick and dirty on how to do this! Now, you may need to get some further counseling or a life coach or something. I'm not suggesting that you will change instantly just by reading this blog, but, I'm not suggesting that you won't either!

1. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.  What is it about you that attracts a certain kind of person? Dig,  identify why you get with the same people. You may need to get some counseling or from a professional counselor or your pastor, or someone in this area but you have to get over that hump before you can change. Dr. Phil says, "You can't change what you don't acknowledge."

2. Identify what is most important to you. What do you REALLY want in a relationship with another? Is it love, respect, care, compassion, companionship, honesty, support, intelligence, sense of humor, blah blah blah? Then begin to display that in your character. Remember, your soul is a magnet. Its going to attract what you ARE.

3. Get rid of negative influences! I have read many many many self help books, how to get rich books, starting a business books etc... One thing they all pretty much have in common is GET RID OF ALL  NEGATIVE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE. If you want to be successful, negative people suck the life out of your dreams, aspirations, desires and out of YOU! Get rid of those people who complain and bellyache and talk negatively about others. A good litmus test to tell who they are is to judge the results. If they always have someone to blame why they haven't succeeded or if they always follow every positive comment you make with a negative one of their own. If they always try to tell you every reason why you CAN'T, then get rid of em. They will keep you in that same cycle, attracting the same stuff as ! Get it together. Leave those graveyard dwellers alone. You will attract new upbeat, positive, determined friends and go to the next level!

. Try subtle changes. Radical change isn't always good necessarily. Try more subtle changes. Try your hair a different way, try a new outfit or style of dress. If you're very conservative, let your shirt hang out or wear something a little more stylish, go to a different restaurant or coffee shop other than the one you always go to, drive to another city or part of town and see how other people enjoy themselves, pick up a book instead of just watching TV all the time, make a new and creative e mail address, work out,  get out more. Now, going to all the night clubs isn't "getting out more". Take a walk in the park, go to a play or see some live poetry. Do some things that you don't USUALLY do! You'll find out a lot more about yourself. And, when you go into different circles, you will meet different people. Be not afraid of change. Quit making excuses why you  or you don't have time. MAKE TIME! Tell those little voices in your head to SHUT UP. Moderation is the key, don't overdo it at first.

Making subtle changes will help you to make great changes. Once you see the results it will  help you open your mind and project a newer more positive vibration. That way, you won't attract the same ol same ol, or the thugs, or drama queens, etc.... You will be able to enjoy fulfillment and that will attract the right people. I'll meet you at the park, wave "Hi" to me when you see me on the park bench typing up "The Quick and Dirty"