The Discover Channel recently aired a series called "Curiousity,"
which was intended to answer some of the most challenging questions of
our time by presenting the latest scientific discoveries. It is an
extremely mentally stimulating series of programming on their part. It
is very informative and thought provoking and I've greatly enjoyed the
experience of delving into some of the "whys" and "hows" of life and how
their experts answer some of the most perplexing questions we have.
Among the individuals which offered their expertise during the course
of the series was scientific luminary and brilliant theoretical cosmologist Dr Stephen Hawking. He sought to answer the question "Did God
create the universe?" Hawking responded "There is no God."
his reason, he cited the law of cause and effect. He explained that
random selection is a law of nature on a quantum scale. Quantum
mechanics deals with the study of sub atomic particle that form our
universe as we know it. Hawking disputed the fact that God existed
because according to the laws of cause and effect, there would have been
no "TIME" in which God could have made the universe. According to
Hawking, TIME didn't exist before "The Big Bang" so no God could have
created anything without a time to exist in. Also, random selection is
extremely normal on a quantum level and is a law of nature. He feels as
though we could have very well could have come out of nowhere.
Dr. Stephen Hawking, you're a fool! Why? Psalms 14:1 says "....The fool hath said in his heart, There is no G